Sunday, February 7, 2016

Goal reached! Thank you!

Thanks to a flurry of activity this afternoon, we've hit- and surpassed- the goal of $800! Many, many thanks for your pledges and for passing the word along! You've just been wonderful! 
Any funds over the goal amount will go to support the costs of mounting an exhibition, as well as hiring some great traditional music to liven up the opening, tentatively scheduled for April 2017. 
i am psyched about getting back into the studio and start working on all the inspiration I've gathered up. It does take time to make this work, but I will keep you updated here, with photos of work in progress and other news. Please message me if you need to know anything at all about my project. 
Go raibh maith agat!!!  Thank YOU! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Clarsach and musician

Final Night in the British Museum

As part of my new British Museum membership, I was delighted to be able to attend a Members' Night on January 25. 
Strolling through the Great Court, there was a wonderful Scottish harpist playing a reproduction of a centuries-old harp. 

Stories of Lilith
In among the Greek marble goddesses was a talented storyteller spinning tales of Lilith. 

And best of all, right outside the exhibition, Celtic artifacts put right into my hands in a "Hands On" session! 

The Museum hosts these throughout the galleries, something truly astounding- objects in the collection that are sturdy and able to be handled are presented by museum staff for close up inspection by visitors.  
"hands on"!

I spent my final hour at the Museum in the Celts exhibit, in the blissfully calm, uncrowded galleries, closely examining some favorites. Even on this, my fifth trip through the show, it was still time to discover something new to savor and learn from. It was the perfect end to my week. It would be hard to imagine, in a week's time, being able to have seen and done more. 
I have been delighted to see the response and pledges come in over the past couple days. Many, many thanks to all of you who have joined in! I am looking forward to a busy time in the studio, thinking through all I have been witness to in this journey, and to getting to work on special sculptures for my supporters. As I post this, I am only $137 from the goal of $800. If you have a friend who might be interested, won't you pass this along? I'd be so appreciative. 
Thanks again! 
Laura T

    Friday, February 5, 2016

    Celts at The British Museum

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    I've been heading over to the museum just as it opens each day, to avoid the large crowds which have been coming to see Celts: Art and Identity. I tried one afternoon, but it was impossible to see some of the smaller pieces up close. In the morning, it is been wonderful -and I've been able to stay almost 2 hours making some sketches, reading, comparing objects, and thinking through some ideas that they are starting to inspire. I've added a few of my sketches here. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed within this exhibition. The catalog, however, is extraordinary, with excellent essays and lots of great photography.
    I attended two lectures, both featuring curator and Iron Age scholar Julia Farley. The second lecture also highlighted some work by famous Brit anthropologist, professor and author Alice Roberts. The two have slightly variant theories about the Celts and what makes something Celtic. The exhibit itself takes a stand on this. There is a continuous implication that the Celts are linked far more closely by technology, ideas, art and languages than they are by blood. The identity aspect of the exhibition traces the Celtic revival and offers a nod towards the role of art and poetry in politics.
    Image 360066 originalThere is lots to mull over and discuss, and some worthy pubs in which to do so. A shoutout here to the new favorite, The Bricklayers Arms. Other close by discoveries were a remarkable art supply store right near the hotel, and the storied Hobgoblin Music. Stacked with instruments, all focus on folk and traditional music.
    Tomorrow the grand finale of the trip- Members Night - during which members stay late at the Museum, hear presentations, music and enjoy specialized tours.
    See you all back in Rhode Island soon! Laura T

    Perfect Landing

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    What an extraordinarily, magically easy trip over to London! A half empty red-eye flight (with the ability to stretch out, so almost 4 hours actual sleep ) convenient Heathrow Connect train to Paddington, and a splurge on a cab ride to the hotel right around the corner from the British Museum. A stroll through the Bloomsbury neighborhood, discovery of the perfect wee cafe with requisite Big Salad and Full English ( breakfast that is) a steakhouse that looks promising and the possibility of endless free wi fi all around will mean less time searching for basic needs and more time at the Museum.
    Resting up for tonight (I get paralyzing jet lag) to get focused with books and the Museum magazine and plan my approach for a long, happy day tomorrow at "Celts".
    Many, many thanks to all of you who kicked in so far.