Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Matics

Under the general headline of "tooling up", this summer I decided to invest in a pneumatic hammer, something of a specialty item, in an effort to speed up some of my process a wee bit. The hammer, for those who might not realize what they are, uses compressed air to drive a chisel and, if handled properly, hits the chisel an awful lot faster and more often than I can. 

I am a long way from handling it properly. But I am trying to practice, and the tool itself is a thing of beauty. It is made by Trow and Holden of Barre, Vermont, where the old factory still stands. The granite workers of Vermont swear by the tools they make there, and so do I. The tools are tough beyond belief and  the people who make them will discuss your needs in detail with you, and I have ordered custom tooth chisels and special small flats from them in the past and been delighted with the results. 

A bit of work in the studio was indicated to prepare for the new set up.

I have a big workbench, so I cleared the end closest to the door, screwed some shelves into the wall. The new compressor sits off the end of this, and the hose can reach outside so I can work there. The shelves hold the hammer and chisels, fittings and the wrench that fits!